Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Body Balance

My recent crash and fractured left clavicle had me thinking. Why do I always roll such that I land on my left side instinctively? I began to scan articles & photos of Velonews and pro-cycling to notice the way cyclists crash or position their bodies when they sense impact is eminent. I recall that all major falls have me taking it in the shoulder or upper ribs. I've bruised my shoulder, fractured ribs mountain biking, bruised ribs skiing, and yes fractured my collar bone jumping off a bmx ramp...EVERY TIME on the LEFT side. I told my very intuitive and special doctor friend from Canyon Ranch. She said, "Well, Lisa...that is your feminine side. What that side represents in our emotion, intuition, feeling versus logic and intellect of the right side." We noodled on it a little further and talked about the use of our shoulders and clavicle in life as a place we carry weight and lift items above our heads. Hmmmm. I suspect there is some lessons here to either I consciously feel that my left (feminine) side can take it, or I'm willing to beat that side up first (read more about body balance here). This is likely a unique growing edge, yeah...a growing edge.

1 comment:

Dana Robertson Halter said...

Hi Lisa,

I heard about your horrible crash from my teammates on Sunday - hang in there! I broke my collarbone in a crash in September, and I have some idea of how you're feeling. The first two weeks are the hardest; after that, you'll be eternally grateful when you can start pulling a shirt over your head, washing your hair with both hands, and sleeping on your side (that comes later).

I'm so glad to hear that you're in good spirits - I came back stronger than ever from my injury, and I'm sure you will, too! We're all thinking of you and sending our wishes for a speedy recovery.

Dana Robertson Halter, President
Team Group Health