Sunday, August 10, 2008

Woo Woo Shop

I wandered into the East West Bookshop on Roosevelt yesterday on one of my long neighborhood strolls; I often call the store the woo woo shop. I like to wander through this store because there is so much consciousness present in the pages that fill the shelves that it just allows me to feel it.

Well, I'm not a tarot card person, but I just allowed my hands to grab the stack and THEN asked mother divinity, the holy spirit, guider of the universe, or the prana within (whatever be out there) to guide the selection of two cards for me. My eyes landed on two; the death card and star card. Gasp! - I thought. But when I studied the meaning of theses cards its was fascinating. Death is actually the birth of something new, the release of an old pattern. Hmmm. Actually wiki says:
  • Transition into a new state ----- Psychological transformation
  • Finishing up ----- Regeneration ----- Elimination of old patterns
  • Being caught in the inescapable ----- Good-byes ----- Deep change
Wow. Ok. Now the Star card:
  • Calmness ----- Free-flowing love ----- Trust
  • Tranquility ----- Peace of mind ----- Pure essence
  • Hope ----- Serenity ----- Inspiration ----- Generosity
  • Thinking positive ----- Joy ----- Faith ----- Regeneration
  • Good will ----- Optimism ----- Harmony ----- Renewal of force
Now, honestly...
BEFORE I went into the woo woo shop, I was feeling that I'm on a path of HUGE change, AND it is so freeing, calming and full of intense joy. Cool. HOWEVER, I didn't really need some tattered old cards in a funky book shop to tell me that - but it doesn't hurt.

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