Saturday, January 27, 2007

All is Nothing

I often read Seth Godin's blog. He is brilliant and if you haven't read any of his books, start (namely the Big Moo and his latest The new big is small. His latest riff is about real estate developers (yeah, that's me - sorta). He says..." Too many real estate developers are busy building the 'all' instead of a 'mall'. He says the expression shouldn't be, 'all or nothing,' but rather 'all IS nothing."

I can't agree more. Its about quality of experience rather than the quantity of the experience. Beyond this focus of quality over quantity, I'm also really focused on making my journey of life more exciting than any perceived stellar outcome (ends). Think of all those Olympic athletes upon the reaching of their goal slide quickly into depression. I think if all of us enjoyed our journey rather than its conclusion (or some false hope), we probably wouldn't need antidepressants. Don't you think? What are you doing to enjoy the journey? I'm going to have fun; building meaningful experiences for myself and others in the urban landscape.

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