Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday in Fall

Saturdays are wonderful. I'm shocked that they still feel like the day of rest for me despite not having any weekly work attachments. For some reason I thought each day would feel similar when I have no direct responsibilities to my week. I guess Saturdays feel wonderful because there is just a different energy to people and our lives are filled with interactions. I also think that the notion of a Sabbath, our day of rest, still penetrates our very core and soul.

My Sabbath started with a 3 hour ride in the fog to Woodinville, a charming, hilly area just north east of Lake Washington. I rushed home for my Pilates session (posture is so improving), then tootled to a fabulous winery out in Woodinville...only to join some amazing people for a 4 HOUR dinner experience at Elemental back in Seattle near Gasworks Park. Although the food was not immaculate in its presentation and complexity, the wine pairings and palate explosions from the combinations were nothing short of brilliant. This little venue (only 5 tables) provided for an evening of pure whimsy and joy with some amazing good friends that have quickly become my great friends. Gosh I love Saturdays.

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