Saturday, March 21, 2009

Creating Space

Mason#3, originally uploaded by lmpicard.

I officially finished my first CAT 3 race of the season; a boost of confidence for the possible; not just the possible of what my body can do, but what all of me can do.

I wrote a letter to a friend from high school today who recently lost her mother at the age of 40. I lost mine at 24. I told her that I gained much and learned much from my mother's passing. Intrigued, she bravely asked what could that gain be. I wrote her the following:

I learned that the future is NEVER as good as the present, because we never get the future right and our mind likes to dabble in all the anxious options. My future has become superlative once I realized LOSS = GAIN. When we allow us to leave/let go of the LOSS it create space for things we NEVER imagined.

My parents leaving me created space for me to find myself (true self) - not the ones I thought they wanted me to be; it created space for me to feel and be open to other kinds of love; it created space for me to explore places when my parents would have thought otherwise; it created amazing space that has allowed me to be who I am today. I can't imagine my life without going through the loss... because the gain continues to be marvelous.

We all need to (gradually) know that letting go allows us to have more space for the exact things we need in this life/in this experience. Its not detachment, but rather not becoming attached to things that eventually leave us; parents, relationships, health, iPods, money, etc.

That was and is my BIG lesson. I live it and love it every day.

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