Monday, July 02, 2007

Island Touring

The Seattle area is pretty amazing for riding. The best part is that our summer has started so early (as opposed to it commencing after the 4th of July). So for the second day of my awesome weekend, under upper 70's weather, sunny, etc...I went for a ride. Shocker, I know. So I grabbed a couple of friends for a late afternoon ride on Vashon Island. This island is a 20 minute ferry ride from Seattle and another world away. There is a gnarly little climb from the ferry dock, and a spin through town...then you bike about 30 (or so) miles around this little island that is filled with amazing little coastal shots and views to Seattle and Tacoma, then inland riding full of little farms and forests. It is absolutely gorgeous.

Farm stands everywhere...
View of Maury Island
The day's ride was about 38 miles, 2700 feet of climbing and lots of little picture moments including a blooming lavender field that we could smell for days. I want to thank Beth for dropping the tool inside Cindi's frame adding the extra weight so I could finally hang with her on the big climb coming up from the east side of Vashon.

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