Sunday, April 01, 2007

Trainer Time

The last few days I've been glued to my trainer for 1.5 hour sessions at a time. I've been catching up on my Series 24 TV show (I'm a year behind) - peddling why Jack Bauer is knocking off terrorist. I basically clear out 2 episodes a day while I gradually increase my tolerance for intensity. As for my healing...I'm amazing that every day I'm 100% better than the day before. Breaking bones sucks, but it does cause one to pause and take notice of the things around. Oddly, when I was laying on the chip seal road in Sequim exactly 3 weeks ago today...the first two thoughts that came to mind as I tried to fill my empty lungs with air:

1). Why the HELL am I doing this crazy sport; THEN
2). This was suppose to happen to me, and I'm going to learn something amazing that I would not have received suck it up.

As to #1, I recently read in Velonews interview by a bike racer who went down hard in the Tour de California breaking his collar bone. He said, "if I actually thought about how dangerous this sport is...I would not be able to race bikes at the level I do." As for #2, I've gained some amazing new friends and developed deeper relationships with those closest to me. I've relied on friends and loved ones more than I would have ever permitted otherwise.


Wienerdoggie said...

Well, hey, if breaking your clavicle is what it took to become better buddies, then so be it. Of course I'd rather have you out there racing with me but I am grateful to be having the opportunity to get to know you better. xo, Your new sis

The Virgin said...

I crashed so hard once that I lay with my head in the wet gutter and most of my body laying on the sidewalk - for about 15 minutes. I finally convinced the EMT's to pick me up and "put me back on my bike" so I could finish the stage race. Halfway to an erect posture, I pleaded for them to take me to the hospital! Another time I crashed at 42+ mph and ragdolled into a pile of bricks from which I could not stand up straight but "I was OK" - strange how we forget those things! I recently heard that humans cannot remember pain!

Lisa Picard said...

Love having comments on my blog from wienerdoggies and virgins. Quite the duo you two are!