Thursday, December 18, 2008


Jett Pet, originally uploaded by lmpicard.

This is jett. Jett was put on my doorstep by a friend who moved from Vermont to San Fran. Jett is the type of cat that is not made for the indoors. But jett craves human interaction. I think he's like me in that I can only take so much of it before I need to jet.

Did you know a cat's purr can heal bones? Jett knows when I'm hurt. He seems to locate himself on the injury and perform magic healing. Hog wash you say? Well, check out the statistics on how fast broken bones heal in cats. Could it be that purrrrrrr?

One other note...
my friend who gave me jett just had major surgery. She has had persisting problems with endometriosis. She's not much older than me. For years I've seen this burden she carries, call it worry, call it anxiety, call it a general disposition of being less than optimistic. I know energetically this always concentrates itself the abdomen (root chakra). I try to live my life knowing what we resist, persists.

I think she needs Jett.
Yo mel... Jett send his purrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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