Sunday, June 01, 2008

Peninsula Cycling & The Bike Savior

So Zana, Sile and I went to pre-ride the masters champ course yesterday out near Port Orchard. The blessings of good weather, good cheer were great beginnings to a nice ride. Meeting Zana at the Brem Ferry landing we loaded her bike on top my A4. Ya see they have this rule about height on ferries; if over 7 feet they ding ya another 15 bucks. So... with her sweet orbea on top...I now TOWERED 7 feet and a couple of inches. I told the fare taker that I'd take out the seat. Reluctantly he said "okay - lane 6". The ferry dude, directed us to the side where we had to REMOVE the seat post with 3 minutes to go before boat departure. Now Zana's MONDO seat post was not happy about coming out and neither was the ferry dude who watched us and his watch - counting down the 3 minutes. Stuggling to get her 3 foot seat post out of her frame (I kid you not) they screamed at us to hurry as the ferry wanted to leave.

I rushed, I sweated, I strained....
Until finally a gentlemen RAN over and extracted the seat post.

We raced to our seats, hopped back in the car...

They guided us to the high bay space (with clearances in excess of 20 feet) on the ferry where only half the deck was filled.

So, once we reached Bremerton, we unloaded the bikes and Zana went to put her seat collar back on, the bolt broke in two. I raced into town for whatever bike shop I could find (using my google text and nav system) and met Fred Pakas, a 70 year old dude running a bike shop (if I may call it that) in downtown Port Orchard. This guy was a blessing. Passionate about bikes, bike racing and anyone who says the word bike. Fred got us going again, wouldn't take ANY MONEY, so I said make it a donation to your cause!....but check out his bike shop; and these images are not photoshopped!

that would be the front door in the distance...

here is Fred surfing for the 5hex bolt in his 5hex bolt box, yet he is searching for the perfect length. Visit Fred in Port Orchard if you get a chance... he is 70 and still races. Was a Junior Champion and talks about bringing love to cycling and youth like the good ol' days. God Bless Fred!


Fatima Blush said...

God bless, Fred.
God bless the impatient ferry man.
God bless Lisa.

I cannot request the blessing of my 3 foot seat post!

Brian said...

Fred is my old boss. I worked for him years ago at that same shop and it has never changed. He raced in philly way way back in the day and can still pull massive wattage.

by the way-

Change my link to

Wooohooo!!! No more blogger for me babe.

Love ya!
