Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why I like Yoga

In Yoga, we talk about "the mat" as a place we resolve, learn, expand, gain. Here is one of my lessons on "the mat."

Crawling in my toasty studio this morning, I felt the heat of yesterday lingering in my studio. I put on my meditative flow tunes, and with my breath moving in and out with each pose I saw the temperature inch up a little higher. I realized yesterday that my body is changing; my arms defined by the movements, my hamstrings becoming more like bows at rest, AND, I like it.
Yoga has shown me that there are no limits except for the reality I may construct. I thought I could never reach my toes (past reality); now I go past them and lay my chest on my knees (conscious reality). I thought I could never put my hands in prayer behind me (past reality); now I go beyond and can wrap my arm behind my back and grab the foot of my folded leg (conscious reality). Yoga clears the mind so you can just produce what is possible; you don't think about limitations you just create the possible. I now "be" the new reality, in my bike racing, my business and my relationships.

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