Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Intuition. Do you know what it is, how you (or someone else) use it? Webster's first definition is... "direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension."

I was recently told by an "intuitive," which Webster's has no definition for the nouns sense of this word (intuitive), BUT others define intuitive as someone who specializes in perceiving information concerning the individual energetically....any how this intuitive told me I have an deep feeling intuition that is very evolved. You know what? I totally can feel it!

Did you know that during the Tsunami in 2004 that not a single animal died yet over 45,000 people perished? Animal parks where trees were uprooted drowned by nearly 20 feet of water, animals were later found roaming as if they "knew" or shall I say perceived a reason to go to higher ground. A sixth sense?

During the Oklahoma bombing a mother who lost two children and her mother said that she had a "feeling" over and over again that she should get out of the building, leave, gather her children and head home. She ignored this "feeling."

My friends, pay attention to your feelings or intuition. They are there and they are a message. What is making me write this now??? Well, I "feel" a need to awaken all others to the notion that intuition is the loving voice of God operating in your heart. Listen to it! we evolve and mature spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc...we become self-regulating rather than are we controlled by those forces outside of us (others, work, stress, etc.).

Listen to your inner loving voice!
Mine says I feel strong and fast and light as a feather on my bike! says a few other things too.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You were on my mind tonight and I wanted to check in on you. I enjoyed catching up a little through your blog! Loved your intuition as God's loving voice. I'm learning to trust His voice in my own life. Thank you for your encouragement.
So glad to read of your healthy 3 month report! I just got one myself!
Gratefully, Elizabeth (