Monday, February 09, 2009

Ponder Connectedness

Me and sissy probably 3ish.

So I ponder some thoughts as a friend of mine sent me an email about his lack of creativity and being in a rut...

I say to him (which he may never ask my opinion again...):

From your life, my life and all the lives that have gone past we are connected. See all lives of all living being magically resides within us (irrespective of perspective as we are irrefutably connected via DNA, lineage or just time - and that is pretty cool). Our past experience and our lives today are completely integrated into the cross hares of our lower basic root energies (some say meridians, some say chakras, whatever) - its sitting right there in us.

This energy, say our connectedness, lies our purpose, to clear what has past, but not what is left.

We may be ready to let go of the old patterns (like those crazy things we see ourselves do that our parents did), yet we feel it hanging on to us, me, you. We can only work moment by moment, and it may take more than THIS life to clear it.

Let your goal be to NOT have a goal. Living in this moment, we can utilize what the universe (i.e. God, consciousness, etc.) has to offer; And if we are in a clear state, at home our chances of clarity and going beyond will be far greater and you can leap into pure sunshine (creativity).

Let us Radiate. Rad on!

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