Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I have several observations.

1. If McCann had won, I don't think you'd see people dancing in the streets (was that crazy?).
2. I think the conservative talk show hosts will actually be able to have material now - its been a tough 8 years for them;
3. Obama; how fun is that word. I mean you can write gobama, obamrama, or ohhhhmmmmmbama, or o-bama-jama-lama-rama. I mean the options are endless (very fun, right?).
4. I heard fireworks in my neighborhood - but I live in a DEEP blue area of a very blue state;
5. What is all this talk about History? I mean, isn't every time a president is elected it's history? Heck we haven't written nixon out of the books (or have we?). Oh yeah he is bi-racial not just black.
6. The world has hope in us (again).
7. Ahhhhhhhmerica has a more zen sound than the texas twang.
8. I believe our country is still good.

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