Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hold Your Line

This evening I was biking home from a quick little spin to Seward Park (basically 35 miles from my house). As I climbed up the modest grade from Lake Washington Blvd (a 400 meter climb at about 4-5%) - some yahoo yelled at me as I veered ever so slightly around a pot hole to "hold my line." Now if the guy hadn't been so stealth and announced that he was tracking my wheel...I wouldn't have been so perturbed. I turned around (incredulous) saying "hold my line????"..."maybe if you announced yourself I could have told you about the pot hole!" He then proceeded to grumble something under his breath at me. Then I said to him..."hold THIS line!" - I then shifted up, danced on my pedals...heard him huff and puff for about a couple of pedal strokes...and never saw him again. Well, a cranky cyclist beats a cranky driver ANY DAY!

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