Monday, January 02, 2006

Lisa run over by a dog

I know it sound odd, but I nearly broke my nose new year's weekend; bloody nose (both nostrils), bump on nose bridge, black eyes (well they showed up later). How? Hmmm. Well, I was waste deep in the snow while snow shoeing up at the pass, unable to get above the I rolled myself onto the trail (like a graceful gymnast on the floor). Just at that moment, Oscar, my friend Kim's dog, was running up the trail and thought I was playing and rammed me in the head with his head as he was going full speed. So, I sat there on the trail...trying to regain composure. Mark escorted me back to the car and Oscar later dropped off some tulips off at my house as an apology (actually it was Kim on Oscar's behalf). I'm much better now.
Here is Mark, my personal EMT for the incident. Nice picture Mark!

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